
【北雅教育】22年1-4月雅思口语part2 题卡

2022 年 04 月 07 日


1.未实现的志向(1-4 月新题)

Describe an ambition you haven’t yet achieved

You should say:

What your ambition is;

How long you have had this ambition;

How you plan to achieve it (or what you have done); And explain why you haven’t achieved it yet.

2. 准备过的开心活动(1-4 月新题) Describe a happy event you organized. You should say:

What the event was; Where you had it;

Who helped you to organized it;

And explain how you feel about it.

3.远距离步行(1-4 月新题) Describe a long walk you ever had. You should say:

When this happened;

Where you walked;

Who you were with;

And explain how you felt about this long walk.

4.别人讲述的故事(1-4 月新题)

Describe a story someone told you and you remember.

You should say:

What the story was about; Who told you this story; Why you remember it;

And explain how you feel about it.

5. 和朋友有趣的谈话(1-4 月新题)

Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend.

You should say:

Who you spoke with; Where you were;

What the conversation was about;

And explain why you think it was interesting.

6.准备的重要事件(1-4 月疑似低频新题) Describe something important you prepared for You should say:

What it was;

When you prepared for it; What you did;

And explain why you prepared for it.

7. 给他人建议

Describe a time you gave advice to others.

You should say:

Who you gave the advice to; What advice you gave;

Why they needed your advice (whether they took your advice);

And explain how useful the advice was (/the result).

8. 早起的经历

Describe a time that you got up early in the morning

You should say:

When it happened Why you got up early Who you were with

And explain how you felt about getting up early

9. 想拥有的自行车/摩托车/汽车旅行

Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go

You should say:

Who you would like to go with; Where you would like to go; When you would like to go;

And explain why you would like to go by bicycle/motorcycle/car

10. 优质服务

Describe a good service you received

You should say:

What the service was; When you received it; Who you were with;

And how you felt about it.

11. 善待不喜欢的人

Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like

You should say:

When and where it happened; Who he/she was;

Why you didn’t like this person;

And explain why you were friendly to him/her on the occasion

12. 困难的决定

Describe a difficult decision that you once made

You should say:

What the decision was;

When you made your decision;

How long it took to make the decision; And explain why it was difficult to make.

13. 希望养成的习惯

Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop/improve

You should say:

Who your friend is; What habit he/she has;

When you noticed this habit;

And explain why you want to develop this habit

14. 常做的浪费时间的活动

Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time.

You should say: What it is;

When you usually do it; Why you do it;

And explain why you think it wastes your time.

15. 为家人骄傲

Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member

You should say:

When it happened;

Who the person is;

What the person did;

And explain why you felt proud of him/her

16. 搬到新家/学校

Describe a time when you moved to a new home/school

You should say:

When you moved; Where you moved; Why you moved;

And how you felt about it.


Describe an item on which you spent more than expected.

You should say: What it is;

How much you spent on it; Why you bought it;

And explain why you think you spent more than expected.

18. 等待特别的事情

Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen

You should say:

What you waited for;

Where you waited;

Why it was special;

And explain how you felt while you were waiting.


Describe a difficult thing/problem/challenge that you did well

You should say: What it was;

How you did/completed it; Why (or how) it was difficult;

And explain how you felt after you did/completed it.


20.想要送朋友的礼物(1-4 月新题)

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend.

You should say:

What gift you would like to buy; Who you would like to give it to;

Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her;

And explain why you choose that gift.

21. 别人送你的衣服(1-4 月新题)

Describe a piece of clothing you have that was given by someone.

You should say:

What it was;

Who gave it to you; When you got that;

And whether you liked it or not.

22. 特别的蛋糕(1-4 月新题)

Describe a special cake you received from others.

You should say:

When it happened;

Where it happened;

Who you got the cake from;

And explain why it’s a special cake.

23.不喜欢的规则(1-4 月新题) Describe a rule that you don’t like You should say:

What it is;

Why you don’t like it;

How others feel about the rule;

And explain whether you’ve followed the rule.

24.印象深刻的一节课、或一个教训(1-4 月新题)

Describe a lesson you remember

You should say:

What the lesson was about; Where you had it;

Why you remember it;

And explain how you feel about the lesson.

25. 有趣的歌曲(1-4 月新题)

Describe an interesting song.

You should say:

What the song is;

What story the song tells; Whether the song is popular;

And explain why you think it is interesting.

26. 帮助学习语言的工具(1-4 月新题)

Describe something that helped you learn a language.

You should say:

What it is;

What language you learned;

How it helped you learn the language; And how you felt about it.

27. 坏掉又修好的东西(1-4 月新题)

Describe something in your home that you broke and then repaired.

You should say: What it is;

How you broke it; How you repaired it;

And how you felt about it.

28. 向长者学习技能(1-4 月新题)

Describe a skill that you learned from older people.

You should say:

What it is;

Who you learned it from; How you learned it;

And how you feel about it.

29. 生活中不可或缺的东西(1-4 月新题)

Describe the thing that you cannot live without (except phone and internet)

You should say:

What it is;

Why you can’t manage without it; How long you have had it for;

And explain how you felt when you were without it.

30. 你收到的免费物品(1-4 月新题)

Describe something you received for free.

You should say: What it was;

Who you received it from; Where you received it;

And explain how you felt about it.

31. 小时候喜欢的玩具(1-4 月新题)

Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.

You should say:

What it was;

Who gave it to you;

How often (How) you played with it; And explain why it was special for you

32. 令人激动的书

Describe an exciting book you have read

You should say: When you read it;

What type of book it is; What is it about;

And explain why you found it exciting.

33. 难学的技能

Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn.

You should say:

When you learned it; Why you learned it; How you learned it;

And explain how you felt when you learned it.

34. 感兴趣想学的东西

Describe something interesting that you want to learn more about

You should say:

What it is;

How you got to interested in it;

What the benefits you can get from it;

And explain why you want to learn more about it.


35. 一个去过的新地方(1-4 月新题) Describe a time you visited a new place. You should say:

Where it is;

When you went there; Why you went there;

And explain how you feel about the place.

36. 有趣的城市(1-4 月新题)

Describe a city that you think is interesting

You should say: Where it is;

What the city is famous for; How you knew this city;

And explain why you think it is very interesting.

37. 乡村一隅(1-4 月新题)

Describe a place in a countryside that you visited

You should say:

Where it is;

When you visited this place; What you did there;

And how you feel about this place.

38. 想要的公寓或房子(1-4 月新题)

Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in

You should say: What it is like;

Where it would be;

Why you would like to live in this house/apartment; And how you feel about this house/apartment

39. 不想再去的地方(1-4 月新题)

Describe a place that you visited but don’t want to visit ever again

You should say:

What the place is; Why you went there;

Why you don’t want to go there again;

And explain how you feel about the place.

40. 度假胜地

Describe a place you visited on vacation and would like to recommend to others

You should say:

Where it is;

When you went there;

What you did there;

And explain why you would like to recommend it to others.

41. 咖啡馆

Describe a cafe you have visited.

You should say:

Where it is located; How the cafe looks like;

What kind of food and drink you had there;

And explain why you like or dislike the cafe.


42. 想共度时光的人(1-4 月新题)

Describe someone you really like to spend time with

You should say:

Who this person is; How you knew him/her;

What you usually do together;

And explain why you like to spend time with him/her.

43. 对社会有贡献的人(1-4 月新题)

Describe a person whose work/job is useful to society.

You should say:

Who this person is; How you knew him/her;

What type of work he/she does;

And explain why you think his/her work is useful to the society.

44. 一见且想再见的人(1-4 月新题)

Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about

You should say:

Who he/she is

When you met him/her

Why you want to know more about him/her And explain how you feel about him/her

45. 社交媒体上关注的人(1-4 月新题) Describe a person who you follow on social media. You should say:

Who he/she is;

How you knew him/her;

What he/she posts on social media;

And explain why you follow him/her on social media

46. 机智解决问题的人

Describe a person you know who gave a clever solution to a problem.

You should say:

Who that person was What the problem was What solution he/she gave

And explain why you think it was a clever solution.

47. 敬佩的商人

Describe a businessman that you admire.

You should say:

Who his person is;

How you got to know this person; What this person does;

How you think of this person.

48. 有创造力的人

Describe a creative person whose work you admire.

You should say: Who he/she is;

How you knew him/her;

What creative things he/she has done;

And explain why you think he/she is creative.

49. 有趣的外国人

Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting

You should say:

Who the person is;

How you knew him/her;

What kind of person he/she is;

And explain why you think he/she is interesting.

50. 运动员

Describe a famous athlete you know.

You should say:

Who he/she is;

How you knew him/her; What he/she has achieved;

And explain why he/she is famous.

51. 小学印象最深的人

Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school.

You should say: Who he/she is;

How you knew him/her;

Why he/she impressed you most

And explain how you feel about him/her

52. 喜欢的名人

Describe a famous person that you are interested in/ you like.

You should say:

Who this person is;

How you know about this person; How this person became famous; And explain why you like this person.