

2022 年 03 月 28 日


本月选题似乎和住房/发展问题杠上了。 那么就让我们愉快地分析一下吧。





When population problem collides with housing problems, people would always turn their heads to government officials. They tend to think that government actions would be the only way to solve the crisis. Some might also say that we should leave the issue to the market or big companies.

评述:Bill 老师个人推荐这里使用多方观点罗列的方式,故政府责任的其他解决方案,自然包括市场调控。(供参考)


本期我们采取 同意的观点

My contention is that government should take the lead whilst dealing with the problem.


理由1 政府负有规划土地的义务

First, the government is obligated to help plan the use of lands. After all, the one to provide shelter for citizens, among all, should be priority number one. With the abundance of financial income, a government should be able to accommodate the surging population thanks to the development of megacities. The reason that housing problems occur could sometimes be the conflict between huge companies eager to enclosure more lands and the demand of people not capable of confronting these companies. This is when the government should interfere and try to solve the conflict.

理由2 政府负有平衡发展与保护的责任

Second, the government has the power as well as the duty to balance demands from all sides. Farmlands have to be set aside so that people could have access to food; commercial or public service lands should also be planned table so that people have place to relax themselves, and the two purpose would more or less conflict with the need of houses or apartments. Therefore, as the entity that has power to affect all these factors. The government would have to carefully analyze, confirm and carry out the plan that affects all.


No one wants to live under a bridge for sure. Yet when we are seriously considering where to accommodate ourselves, we are going to need guidance from the very force, actually responsible for our well-being.